Ocean Advocacy Collective
Ocean Advocacy Collective has been paused this year
Thank you for your interest in our high school virtual leadership program! Our team is working hard this year to review all our existing programs to make sure we offer the best opportunities for high school youth in the field of ocean conservation. We believe virtual programs are crucial to conservation work, so will be determining the best format for any virtual high school programs we offer in the future.
If you are interested in receiving updates in the coming months as our team works on these changes, please complete the form below.
Do you live along our 600-mile range of the California coast? Explore our other high school programs.
Ocean Advocacy Collective's origin story
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown, our team developed Ocean Advocacy Collective, a virtual leadership program for high school students to gather and build a community around their passion for ocean conservation.
The high school leadership program met for 90 minutes every week for 12 weeks, where we worked to amplify youth advocacy and agency by creating a community-oriented space for discussion around ocean conservation and climate change.
This was a safe, open space for teenagers to learn how to cultivate optimism as we grappled with complex issues and transformed passion into action. We all learned from one another in order to strive for effective change and holistic conservation solutions.
Hear more from youth who participated in Ocean Advocacy Collective:
Contact us at learn@tmmc.org.