Disney Recognizes Dr. Sophie Whoriskey’s Work at The Marine Mammal Center in Hawaii to Save Monk Seals
- Species conservation
Disney Recognizes Dr. Sophie Whoriskey’s Work at The Marine Mammal Center in Hawaii to Save Monk Seals
The Marine Mammal Center, the world’s largest marine mammal hospital, announced today that Dr. Sophie Whoriskey, Associate Director of Hawaiʻi Conservation Medicine, has been honored with a grant from the Disney Conservation Fund in recognition of her incredible conservation efforts. This grant recognized women-led conservation programs around the world focused on saving wildlife, protecting habitats and inspiring communities to take part in conservation efforts to create a healthier planet for people and wildlife.
“We’re humbled by the Disney Conservation Fund’s recognition of our good work to help the endangered Hawaiian monk seals,” said Cecily Majerus, CEO of The Marine Mammal Center. “The grant will help further our research into the health and behavior of Hawaiian monk seals, ultimately contributing to the conservation efforts aimed at preserving this endangered species.”
Since graduating from the Atlantic Veterinary College on Canada’s Prince Edward Island, Dr. Whoriskey has dedicated her career to improving the lives of aquatic animals. She has experience working in remote and harsh environments and has supported research projects from Alaska to Antarctica, all with a mission of advancing the global body of knowledge on marine mammal health.
Dr. Whoriskey leads the rehabilitation program at Ke Kai Ola (“The Healing Sea”), The Marine Mammal Center’s Hawaiian monk seal conservation program and veterinary hospital on the Big Island of Hawai’i. With fewer than 1,600 remaining in Hawai’i, rescued monk seals get a second chance at life and their powerful stories inspire people to take actions that positively impact ocean health.
Disney Conservation is committed to saving wildlife and building a diverse global community inspired to protect the magic of nature together. Since 1995, the Disney Conservation Fund has directed more than $125 million to support nonprofit organizations working with communities to save wildlife, inspire action and protect the planet.
For information on Disney’s commitment to conservation visit Disney.com/Conservation.
For more information or to set up an interview on this topic, please contact us at media@tmmc.org.
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