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San Francisco Chronicle: Gray Whale Busts Record for Most Time Spent in San Francisco Bay

April 21, 2023

One gray whale has been swimming in the bay since February, by far the longest time scientists have ever recorded. But it’s not necessarily good news.

Published in the San Francisco Chronicle: April 21, 2023

A gray whale that has lingered in San Francisco Bay since February, in a detour from its normal northern migration, and has spent far more time in the bay than any other whale scientists have watched. 

The previous record for a gray whale in the bay was 46 days. Now, with this gray, it’s 67 days.

Bekah Lane, cetacean field research specialist at The Marine Mammal Center, said gray whales “seem to be moving deeper into the bay, even close to Oakland and Alameda, and spending more time in the bay than they have in years past.”

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