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You Can Provide Double the Fish

There’s a lot at stake for an orphaned and starving pup like Spaulding.

Right now, there’s a $15,000 gift match waiting for the pups, and your support is needed to unlock it.

Yes, your $5 = $10 today, meaning you can help provide double the fish meals for a pup like Spaulding.

Get Your Gift Matched
harbor seal Spaulding getting out of the pool
Megan Exnicios

Megan Exnicios

Major Gifts Officer

Megan Exnicios first joined the Center in 2023. In her role as Major Gifts Officer, Megan works to increase major giving revenue from new and established supporters.

In addition to five years of fundraising experience, Megan has a background in marine biology. She has served as Development Manager at New School San Francisco and previously as Development Officer of Annual Giving at the Audubon Nature Institute.

Outside of work, Megan enjoys sewing, playing games and spending time outdoors.