Hawaiian Monk Seal
Neomonachus schauinslandi
Hawaiian monk seal ‘Eleu (pronounced eh-leh-oo) was rescued in the nick of time. After separating from her mother too soon, she had nearly zero chance of survival. With only about 1,400 Hawaiian monk seals left in the wild, it was crucial that this pup was brought to our hospital on Hawai‘i Island.
Despite being malnourished upon arrival, ‘Eleu was active, curious and vocal—promising signs that she would recover. During her three months of care, ‘Eleu would spend hours at a time engaging with enrichment items, which are specialized “toys” that encourage patients to develop natural behaviors. She also practiced her foraging skills with live prey like fish and sea cucumbers.
Just before release, ‘Eleu was fitted with a temporary satellite tag that would allow scientists to monitor her in the wild. This information helps us better understand how to protect this endangered species. Upon release, ‘Eleu immediately made her way toward her ocean home and was later seen interacting with other monk seals around her age.
photo by Sheila Latta © The Marine Mammal Center / NOAA permit #18786
- Age at Admit
- Pup
- Weight at Admit
- 23.00 kgs
- Sex
- Female
- Rescue Location
- Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
- Diagnosis
- Malnutrition
- Admitted
- 06/17/2021
- Status
- Released
- Release Date
- 09/18/2021
- Release Location
- Northwestern Hawaiian Islands
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