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Kait Birghenthal

Kait Birghenthal, MPS

NNOCCI Project Coordinator

Kait Birghenthal joined the Center’s staff in 2022 to provide operational support for the Center’s climate change educational grants, specifically the Center’s fiscal sponsorship of the National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation (NNOCCI). Kait is very familiar with NNOCCI after supervising the program during the last two years of their multi-million-dollar National Science Foundation grant a few years ago.

Kait obtained her Master of Professional Science degree in Marine Conservation from the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. During her undergraduate studies, Kait helped create and launch Ocean Kids, a nonprofit focused on providing experiential learning of marine science and conservation for minoritized youth in the Greater Miami area. Throughout her career, she is proud to have served in a variety of educator and research roles along the East Coast with aquariums, schools and NOAA. 

Kait resides outside of Boston with her husband and their rescued lab mix, Maui. When not in educator-mode, Kait loves spending time with loved ones, baking, exploring tide pools whilst traveling, and singing maybe-too-loudly to music.