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Morgan Fisher

Morgan Fisher, MOTC

Response & Animal Care Manager, Monterey Bay Operations

Morgan Fisher began her time at The Marine Mammal Center as a Rescue and Response Intern in 2018 and joined as staff in 2019. As the Response and Animal Care Manager, Morgan is a key member of the Field Operations management team, which includes duties related to animal rescue, triage and rehabilitation. Some of these duties include leading crews on high-level boat responses and entangled sea lion responses, and training volunteers on proper animal triaging protocols. Morgan oversees all animal care and rescues of the Moss Landing office while leading a team of coordinators, interns and over 100 volunteers. 

Morgan holds a level 2 whale disentanglement certification and has participated in two whale disentanglements and several entangled whale responses. She has also captained for cetacean research projects with various outside organizations and has responded to over 20 entangled sea lions. Morgan holds an MOTC certification, a professional standard for scientific boating on agency and institutional vessels. 

Before her time with the Center, Morgan began her marine mammal journey with the Monterey Bay Aquarium as a sea otter research and conservation volunteer for four years while earning her degree in Environmental Science from California State University Monterey Bay.  

Residing in Pacific Grove, Morgan spends her free time doing Pilates, reading, walking to the beach, singing along to Pearl Jam and frequenting local coffee shops.

Areas of Expertise

  • Marine Mammal Husbandry
  • Conservation
  • Marine Mammal Rescue & Response
  • Small Boat Operations