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Be a Marine Mammal Hero Year-Round

It’s pupping season and that means pups will be pouring through our hospital doors in need of meals and meds. But did you know you can help not only during pupping season, but year-round?

Yes, as a monthly donor, you will help provide fish meals, meds and care for a marine mammal like Magoo so they can regain their strength and return to their ocean home. Then the next month, you will help another patient. And the next month? You will make it possible again!

Plus, new monthly gifts will be matched up to $1,000 when you sign up by Sunday, February 23.

Be a hero year-round
harbor seal, magoo
harbor seal Barnwood
News Update

Last-Minute Gift Guide – Top Gifts that Give Back to Marine Animals

December 7, 2023
  • Gift guide

Gifts that Benefit The Marine Mammal Center, A Non-Profit that Rescues and Rehabilitates Marine Animals – No Shipping Required!

Our Last-Minute Gift Guide features gifts that give back to marine animals and don’t require shipping. By choosing to purchase these downloadable gifts, you are supporting medical care for our patients in need, which has enabled the rescue of more than 24,000 marine mammals since 1975.

sea otters Langly and Sprout

For the animal-lover:

Downloadable Adopt-a-Seal®. $20

Adopt-a-Seal® lets you give a gift that gives back. When you symbolically adopt southern sea otters Langly & Sprout your purchase will give back, providing the food and medical care sick and injured animals need to return home with a second chance at life. Your download includes an adoption certificate that features a photo of Langly & Sprout and their story of rescue and release. With over 20 past patients to choose from – like seals, sea lions and more – you’re sure to find the perfect downloadable Adopt-a-Seal® for the animal lover in your life.

For the one who has everything:

A donation in their honor. Starts at $5

The perfect gift that gives back for someone who doesn’t need more stuff. A gift to The Marine Mammal Center in honor of your loved one has a big impact on ocean conservation. Send a personalized eCard with your donation and let them know they gave a second chance to a marine mammal. Your eCard can be sent immediately or on a specific date. Looking for a gift that lasts a lifetime? With your support of $2,500, you can name a whale in honor or memory of a loved one.

sea otter

A purchase of any of our Last-Minute Gifts that Give Back will help to support global ocean conservation through marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation, scientific research, and education.

Browse all of our downloadable Adopt-a-Seal stories to find the perfect last-minute gift that gives back to seals, sea otters, sea lions and other marine animals.

Looking for more gift options? Explore our guide to Eco Friendly Gifts that Give Back. Your purchase comes with a downloadable gift IOU to give your loved one while they wait for their special present to arrive.

Yes, I want to save a life!

Yes, I want to save a life!

You’ll be giving sick and injured animals the best possible care at the Center’s state-of-the-art hospital. With your gift today, you are giving a patient a second chance at life in the wild.

  • $35 You'll buy food for a hungry animal
  • $45 You'll provide life-saving medical care
  • $65 You'll make second chances possible

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