Maggie Martinez, DVM, M.S., Ph.D., Dipl. ACVP
Dr. Maggie Martinez has key roles at the Center in diagnostic pathology, health-based research, teaching visiting externs and residents, and communicating pathology findings to our community.
Now the Associate Pathologist, Maggie spent her first year at the Center as the Pathology Fellow where she developed a renal project with Veterinary Fellow Dr. Michelle Rivard. She is also the primary author on two case reports that have been submitted for publication in scientific journals.
Maggie received her B.S. from Florida State University, and her DVM, M.S., Ph.D. and pathology training from Ohio State University leading to diplomacy with the American College of Veterinary Pathology.
Maggie is a wife to Michael and mother to Jude, and they all enjoy traveling, hiking, camping, rock climbing, surfing and scuba diving together.
Areas of Expertise
- Diagnostic Pathology
- Health-Based Research
- Teaching and Mentoring Students
- Science Communication
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Recent Publications
{"image":"\/Animals\/Patients\/Elephant seals\/2022\/cropped-images\/es-arttin-by-bill-hunnewell-c-the-marine-mammal-center-626-2-4049-3163-1657660585.jpg","alt":"northern elephant seal in the water","title":"Development and Validation of a New Lab Test for Lymphoma-Associated Herpesvirus in Elephant Seals","link_url":"https:\/\/\/publications\/development-and-validation-of-a-new-lab-test-for-lymphoma-associated-herpesvirus-in-elephant-seals","label":"Research Paper"}
Development and Validation of a New Lab Test for Lymphoma-Associated Herpesvirus in Elephant Seals
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{"image":"\/Animals\/Wild\/Gray whale\/cropped-images\/gray-whale-necropsy-by-katie-dinnocenzo-c-the-marine-mammal-center-161-0-3871-3023-1604437583.jpg","alt":"researchers perform a necropsy on a dead gray whale on the beach","title":"Gray Whale Post-Mortem Findings During the Unusual Mortality Event in the Eastern North Pacific","link_url":"https:\/\/\/publications\/gray-whale-post-mortem-findings-during-the-unusual-mortality-event-in-the-eastern-north-pacific","label":"Research Paper"}
Gray Whale Post-Mortem Findings During the Unusual Mortality Event in the Eastern North Pacific
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